Resultados: 3

Facing up COVID-19: what cannot be relativized in nursing higher education

ABSTRACT Objective: to present reflective arguments on the measures to accelerate the training of nurses and their early insertion in the health system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: an analytical and theoretical-reflective text, based on the central construct of "Nursing knowledge", whose theor...

Death education: sensibility for caregiving

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to report the application of a participatory teaching-learning method on the themes death, dying, and associate care to highlight its applicability to the students. Method: report of application of participatory method in 22 students from the 6th period of the undergraduate program ...

Dificuldades dos estudantes de enfermagem na aprendizagem do diagnóstico de enfermagem, na perspectiva da metacognição

O objetivo geral é investigar a aprendizagem do diagnóstico em enfermagem na área hospitalar, de alunos concluintes do curso de graduação, na perspectiva metacognitiva. De natureza qualitativa, desenvolveram-se entrevistas individuais com dezenove alunos da quinta série, do último estágio supervi...